1. Building an Image Classification Model

    Using Deep Learning there is a vast amount of amazing things we can acheive. One of them being creating a model to classify images.

    Using CNN (convolutional neural networks) we can analyze images and train models to understand and classify those images.

    In this post I am going to go …

  2. Python's (PIL)low Package

    Welcome back for another exciting blog post!

    Today's topic that we will be covered is the Python package: Pil/Pillow.

    Before we get started a quick note:

    PIL/Pillow are basically the same exact package with Pillow being the module that took over. They operate using the same exact add …

  3. jinja2

    Welcome back folks!

    In today's blog we will be covering the topic of jinja2!

    What is jinja2?

    jinja2 is a text-based templating langauge created for Python developers to generate a variety of different markup formats with one of the most popular one being HTML.

    In this blog post we are …

  4. LabelBinarizer vs get_dummies

    LabelBinarizer and get_dummies are two features of Scikit-Learn/Pandas that are extremely crucial when it comes to transforming data for the purpose of train-test split (creating models and testing them). Like everything, they both come with their own set of pros and cons in terms of when it is appropriate …

  5. Pandas - Creating DataFrames

    Data Science.


    It's right there in the name.

    Using the Python programming language and it's many libraries, Data Scientists can complete a veriety of different tasks. One of the main tasks of a Data Scientist is to work with 'data' and figure out how to use it to their …

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